
Job offers: Upload and edit documents

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< Overview of your job offers
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Sometimes, it can be helpful to include one or several additional documents with your online job offer. These can include supplementary information about the advertised position or third-party documents that can be of use to applicants. Or you might simply want to upload the original job announcement with your company’s corporate design.

This article includes information about the Documents tab and how to add documents to your job offer and edit them.

How to

Screen shot with existing documents

ZEuS icon Screenshot.png Job offers: Upload and edit documents - view with existing documents

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Screen shot without existing documents

ZEuS icon Screenshot.png Job offers: Upload and edit documents - view without existing documents

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Clicking on Back to the company data, will take you back to the Job offers tab in your company profile, which contains an overview of all your job offers.
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If you have not yet uploaded any documents or would like to add additional ones, simply click on Add document to switch to editing mode. Further instructions are available in the Upload new document section below.
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Existing documents are listed in a table with the following columns:
  • File name: Name of the file you uploaded
  • Remarks: Detailed description of the document
  • Created: Date and time the document was uploaded
  • Actions: further editing options
Editing options in the Actions column
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By clicking on this field you can view the uploaded document.
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In order to edit the descriptive text shown in the Remarks column, click on the pen symbol.
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If your document has expired or you want to delete it for other reasons, please click on the red cross.

Upload a new document

The procedure is the same for uploading a new document to your job offer, regardless of whether you have already added documents. After clicking on the Add document button, please follow the steps detailed below.

Step 1: Select and upload your document

ZEuS icon Screenshot.png Job offers: select and upload a document

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Under New document you will find a Search/Durchsuchen field that lets you search your local computer for the file you wish to upload.
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After selecting a document, for instance a PDF file, simply click on Upload.

Step 2: Adding information about your document

ZEuS icon Screenshot.png Job offers: adding information about the document

ALU AG StellenanangebotAnlegen Dok Upload en.png
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In the next step, you will first be shown the file name of the uploaded file.
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Use the text editor in the Remark field to provide ZEuS users and potential applicants with additional information about the document. Click on the editing symbols to format your text.
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Finish uploading your document by clicking on Save. If you change your mind about publishing the document, e.g. because you uploaded the wrong file by accident, simply click on Cancel.

See also