Search for current internship and job postings - Overview
From ZEuS-Wiki english
Employers can use the online internship and job portal managed by the Career Service to publish their job offers for qualified potential employees and interns. Students and graduates, in turn, can search for job postings in the following categories:
- Internship
- Permanent position
- Traineeship (Volontariat)
- Working student
- Thesis project
- Freelance
- Undergraduate student assistant
That way, every type of professional role is covered.
Seezeit student services runs its own job portal that you can use if you are looking for a side job while you study.
How to
Once you have opened the portal, you will be shown a search page described in the article
→ Find current internships and job offers - Search
You can filter for specific results and will be shown a table with the results matching your search criteria.
Further options are described in the
→ Find current internships and job offers - Search results
Please read the
→ Find current internships and job offers - Position details
article to find out which details are available for individual postings.