
Editing your main and contact data

From ZEuS-Wiki english


You already provided your most important main and contact data when you requested your company profile. You can edit or change this information at any time, for instance if the name or address of your company has changed. Here, you can also delete your company profile if you are no longer interested in publishing job offers on our pages.

Read on to find out which of your company’s details you can edit, delete or add.

How to

Open the menu item User functionsOwn company profile and job offers. You can edit your main and contact data by going to the corresponding tab, which is open by default as shown in the screen shot below.

ZEuS icon Screenshot.png Editing your main and contact data

ALU AG Profil Übersicht Haupt en.png
ZEuS Stempel1.png
To edit your company’s main data, click on the Edit button in the corresponding category. In editing mode, you can edit your Company name, Homepage and Industry field.
ZEuS icon Screenshot.png editing mode “Main data”

ALU AG Profil Übersicht Haupt Name en.png

Click on ZEuS SF Speichern en.png to save your data.
ZEuS Stempel2.png
You can also change your address or add a new one. Simply click on Edit to switch to editing mode in order to edit fields such as Street and number, City or Phone.
ZEuS icon Screenshot.png editing mode “Contact data”

ALU AG Profil Übersicht Haupt Adresse en.png

Click on ZEuS SF Speichern en.png to save your data.
ZEuS Stempel3.png
If you want to enter an entirely new set of contact details, click on the Add contact data button. You will be shown a new page with blank fields.
ZEuS icon Screenshot.png Add contact data

ALU AG Profil Übersicht Haupt Kontaktdaten en.png

Click on ZEuS SF Speichern en.png to save your data.
ZEuS Stempel4.png
Under Company logo, you will be shown the logo file you uploaded when you requested your company profile.
ZEuS Stempel5.png
The job offers overview with all job offers created by you, sorted by status. This way, you can check at a glance whether you have unpublished offers pending.
ZEuS Stempel6.png
The Actions menu provides the additional function Delete company profile. If you no longer want to publish job offers in the University of Konstanz’s job portal, you can delete your company profile. Simply click on Delete company profile. Your profile will be removed once you have answered Yes to the pop-up security message.
ZEuS icon Screenshot.png security prompt “Delete profile”

ALU AG Profil Übersicht Haupt ProfilLöschen en.png

See also