
Course details view - "Documents" tab

From ZEuS-Wiki english

< Course details view - overview


The course details view consists of different tabs which offer you the information structured by topics. On the tab Documents presented here, you can find documents stored by the course planner. However, this is only the case if it is visible for your user role.

Read this article to learn more about the information offered on this tab and how to open a document.


ZEuS icon Screenshot.png Course details view - "Documents" tab

ZEuS VA Detailanzeige Dok en.png
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Read the Course details view - overview article to get more information about this part of the view which is the same on all tabs.
ZEuS Stempel2.png
If there are documents available for you, they are listed in a table.
ZEuS Stempel3.png
Click on the ZEuS icon Herunterladen.png symbol in the Actions colums to download the document so that you can open it.

See also